Whether a business is run from a home office or a 100,000 square foot commercial space, a business requires furniture that is both functional and ergonomic. Designing an office that is aesthetically pleasing, efficient and cost-effective is not always an easy task. There are numerous things for business owners to consider when designing an appropriate office space.

Two of the most important aspects of a business are its location and its people. From the perspective of a business
owner, it is imperative to plan based on space and employees. Both location and employees contribute to the office environment and impact the office furniture decision-making process.

Employee Selection. A major business decision as it pertains to employees is not only who to hire, but how many people to hire. This is important information to know prior to obtaining office space, as a rule of thumb is to choose the office for the people (and not the people for the office). Most companies average 175 square feet of office space per employee, with the range stemming from 115 to 225 square feet.

Space Selection. In order for your business to thrive financially, your people need a place to work that suits the needs of the employee and the business. It is important to request a to-scale plan of the office space you are interested in from the business owner; often times, they are reluctant to hand out plans but access to one is crucial for proper planning. The plan for help with calculation actual costs per square foot (since lessees often pay for common areas, etc. as well as their suite), moving, office furniture purchase and employee location. Business owners should always request an AutoCAD sketch of the space, and if one is not available, hire an AutoCAD space professional to create one. The cost can be
deducted from the lease. For smaller businesses, rectangular space should always be chosen as it allows for more flexible arrangements.

Lease Duration Considerations. Most commercial leases begin at 5-year lease terms, meaning that spatial and employee planning must be considered for both current situations and future situations.  The potential for growth must be considered before entering into a long term lease to guarantee ample space for the years ahead. This prevents the high cost of lease termination.

Space Planning. Prior to choosing the ideal space, it is wise to consult with an AutoCAD professionals. While a business owner may love DIY and have big ideas in mind for his or her new office space, a professional can provide expedient guidance on the right floor plan for the ideal layout. With professional assistance, the business owner can be sure that the space that are signing up for doesn’t just look perfect, but provides the utility needed. Additionally the space planner can lay out proposed furniture and resubmit to building so that outlets, electrical and telecom wiring and construction in general can be completed in such a way that is most beneficial to the lessee

Building Considerations. Before you sign a lease, it is important to consider more than just the suite, but the building itself. These considerations include the building layout, rules, delivery conditions, the elevators and passageways, the amenities and the parking. It would be unfortunate to make a decision solely based on the business’ private space and cost per square foot only to realize the inconveniences and hidden expenses later 

Building Concessions.  Most building owners or managers will refresh the space with every new tenant including, new floors, new carpet and fresh paint.  Some will even build to suit.  To know and utilize this to your advantage is key. This is especially important when shopping for used office furniture, as you can generally pick out the used furniture  while the buildout process for space is being completed and then have building owner lay down carpet  and apply paint to complement your selection. It is much easier and cheaper to match the office to the furniture than the furniture to the office.


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